Unique fitness opportunities to train your Body, Mind & Spirit
Train everywhere
Enjoy high-quality workouts you can do at home, outside or in the gym.
First fitness app that leads to optimal health
Make your life balanced training all six spheres of human nature with Totalfit.
Key features that will helps you
Everyday we work hard to make your journey to optimal health more comfortable and interesting
Professional workouts and programs
Totalfit workouts and programs combined collective wisdom of more then 100 coaches and instructors around the world
Base of skill learning exercises
Master your fitness skills and technique with 120 teaching videos with coaching tips
Everyday wisdom and knowledge
To train your mind you can read everyday's wisdom from our knowledge base
Good questions to train your emotions
Check your mood during every workout. Feel free from stress and focus on positive.
Stories that helps to make good decisions
Read inspiring stories to train your spirit, make your decisions and develop healthy lifestyle habits
Track your everyday progress
Hexagon will show all six spheres of human nature that you can train everyday
Start using for free
Totalfit is available for free on the App Store and Google Play. Start your journey today.
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